Newark at the Crossroads: A 2032 Vision for the Newark Aerotropolis - Final Report


Newark at the Crossroads: A 2032 Vision for the Newark Aerotropolis - Final Report


Newark stands at an historic junction. Behind it lies a half-century of tough
readjustment, as the global economy shifted and northern New Jersey was forced to
transition away from traditional heavy industry. Yet before it stands the possibility of a
bold new future for Newark and her residents. The growing importance of international
travel, global corporate headquarters, and just-in-time logistics leaves Newark and the
broader New York metropolitan area poised for a half century of sustainable prosperity.
Investments in transportation infrastructure new and old, from the trains to turnpikes to
air terminals, ensure that Newark residents enjoy unparalleled mobility in an age when
speed matters. The preceding growing pains of the past for half-century were not for
naught: Newark enters this transition period with strengthened communities, bold
leadership, and an ambitious emerging generation of residents.




Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy




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Barbara Faga; Newcome Edwards; Nolan Gray; Richard Hunt; Austin Maitland; Lorenzo Waters, “Newark at the Crossroads: A 2032 Vision for the Newark Aerotropolis - Final Report,” DANA, accessed March 21, 2025,

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