Glencoe Mansion
Glencoe Mansion
Coe Mansion
The Glencoe Mansion is located on the easterly side of Martin Luther King Boulevard, formerly known as High Street. High Street was one of the most prominent locations of Newark with high end residential buildings occupied by affluent families. The Glencoe Mansion is a three-story brick building and it was designed in the High Victorian Italianate Style. As such, it has been highly decorated both inside and out. On the main façade (west), there are three bays articulated beautifully with architectural elements. Floor divisions are expressed by horizontal brick belt coursing separating tall windows and door openings, mostly topped with segmental-arch lintels. The third floor has a reduced height that accentuates the building mass when viewed from below. The symmetry of the façade is broken by the northernmost bay projecting forward and capped by a gable roof. In this bay there is variety from the first floor’s box bay to the bracket supported hooded lintel on the second floor, culminating in the paired round-arched windows on the third floor. The main entrance is part of a lavishly ornamented wooden open porch. The other façades, with the exception of the south elevation, are not as articulate and ornamented. On the interior, this mansion demonstrates the same attention to ornamentation with plaster walls and ceilings, crown moldings, medallions for lighting fixtures, wood parquet floors, and bronze hardware.
A Carriage House is located at the rear of the property.
A Carriage House is located at the rear of the property.
Condition History
The house was originally built for the family of James J. Dickerson, a leather manufacturer. James A. Coe purchased the house in 1886. The Coe family owned the James A. Coe & Company, the leading merchants of steel and hardware in Newark. In the early 20th century, the open two-story porch around the southeast corner of the house was enclosed to accommodate a billiard room and summer bedrooms. James Coe died in 1933 and his family continued to occupy the house until 1947, when it was sold to Benjamin Kulper. The house has continued to function as a residence with the exception of a period of 20 years when it was owned by a social service agency that did not occupy the premises.
Cunningham, John T. Newark. Newark: New Jersey Historical Society, 2002.
Devlin, Harry. Portraits of American architecture : monuments to a romantic mood, 1830-1900. Boston : D. Godine, 1989, pp. 90-91.
Devlin, Harry. Portraits of American architecture : monuments to a romantic mood, 1830-1900. Boston : D. Godine, 1989, pp. 90-91.
Drummond, James O. Transportation and the Shaping of the Physical Environment in an Urban Place: Newark, 1820-1900. , 1979.
Gordon, Mark W., and Anthony Schuman, editors. Newark Landmark Treasures: A Guide to the Landmark Buildings, Parks, Public Art & Historic Districts in New Jersey’s Metropolis. Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee, 2016, p. 4.
National Register of Historic Places, Glencoe, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, National Register #91001481
unknown, “Glencoe Mansion,” DANA, accessed March 21, 2025,
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