Essex County Jail
Condition History
Additional wings were added to the building in 1890 and 1895. The buildings were closed in 1970 when a new county jail was built. In 2001, a fire caused severe damage and walls to collapse. The jail is currently located within the bounds of the University Heights Science Park, which, since 2009, has made several attempts to obtain approval to demolish what remains of the jail. The Newark Preservation and Landmarks committee has been opposing such efforts.
Carter, Barry. "Crumbling jail complex in Newark may be facing wrecking ball." The Star Ledger (27 November 2015).
National Register of Historic Places, Essex County Jail, Essex County, New Jersey, National Register #91001366.
Read, Philip. "Newark landmarks commission seeks to preserve historic Essex County Jail." The Star Ledger (22 July 2010).
Gordon, Mark W., and Anthony Schuman, editors. Newark Landmark Treasures: A Guide to the Landmark Buildings, Parks, Public Art & Historic Districts in New Jersey’s Metropolis. Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee, 2016, p. 20.
Historic American Buildings Survey. Essex County Jail, Newark, New & Wilsey Streets, Newark, Essex County, NJ. HABS NJ,7-NEARK,31-.National Register of Historic Places, Essex County Jail, Essex County, New Jersey, National Register #91001366.
Read, Philip. "Newark landmarks commission seeks to preserve historic Essex County Jail." The Star Ledger (22 July 2010).
Greek Revival
Web Resources
An Abandoned America Tour of the Deserted New Jersey Essex County Jail Annex [Photos].
John Haviland, “Essex County Jail,” DANA, accessed March 21, 2025,
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