Goldwin Starret


Goldwin Starret

Birth Date

September 29, 1874


Lawrence, KS

Death Date

May 9, 1918 in Glen Ridge, NJ



Biographical Text

Starret graduated from the University of Michigan in 1894 with the degree of B. S. in mechanical engineering and worked in Chicago with D.Burnham.Then he moved to New York, where he worked first at George A. Fuller Construction Co and then formed a family firm Thompson-Starrett Co. A few years later he started Starret & Van Vleck a firm specialized in design of department stores mostly in New York.


Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Volume 40

Obituary in American Art News Vol. 16, No. 32 (May 18, 1918), p. 4


“Goldwin Starret,” DANA, accessed March 23, 2025,

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This Item isParentOf Item: Hahne and Company

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