18 Beaver Street


18 Beaver Street


"18 Beaver Street is a two story, three bay, Greek temple fronted, rectangular plan, commercial building. Constructed in 1926 for the Junior Order Building and Loan Association, the building is regulated by fluted, colossal-order, Doric columns which support an entablature and pediment. Classicizing decorative elements include Greek key motifs on the frieze, guttae on the soffits, and a wreath flanked by cornucopia in the pediment. The original paired doors are surmounted by a pierced grill and stylized anthemion surround. The side bays consist of tri-partite windows with a more recent wrought iron railing on the ground floor, and older wrought iron balconies on the second floor. The main entrance is emphasized by a hanging octagonal lamp and a wooden sign bearing the address of the building in raised copper letters. The building and column bases are fashioned of polished pink/gray granite. 18 Beaver Street is the most consistently classicizing building in the area, and is related in material and style to other commercial buildings along Clinton Street. The Junior Order Building and Loan Association was a branch of the Masonic Lodge for younger members."

Description from:
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service. (2000). National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Four Comers Historic District, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey (NPS Form 10-900).







Classical Revival





“18 Beaver Street,” DANA, accessed March 26, 2025, https://dana-legacy.njit.edu/items/show/688.

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This Item Is Part Of Item: Four Corners Historic District

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