60 Branford Place
60 Branford Place
"60 Branford Place is a two story, eight bay, granite clad, classicizing, corner commercial building. Constructed c. 1920, the ground floor is made up of individual storefronts with offices above. Classicizing details include: a continuous sill belt course, entablature with swag garlands in frieze, dentillated cornice and a turned spindle balustrade at the roofline. The main entrance has a classicizing door surround with an urn-flanked segmentally arched lintel. The door entablature is engraved with '60 Branford Place' "
Description from:
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service. (2000). National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Four Comers Historic District, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey (NPS Form 10-900).
Description from:
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service. (2000). National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Four Comers Historic District, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey (NPS Form 10-900).
“60 Branford Place,” DANA, accessed March 24, 2025, https://dana-legacy.njit.edu/items/show/689.
Item Relations
This Item | Is Part Of | Item: Four Corners Historic District |
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