210 Market Street
210 Market Street
"210 Market Street is a four story, three bay, rectangular plan, classicizing, cast iron, commercial building, constructed c. 1880. The cast iron facade is articulated by vertical, rusticated corner piers, twisted and attenuated colonnettes with Composite capitals, and horizontal paneled spandrels below the windows. The building is surmounted by a pressed metal, bracketed and pedimented cornice. The ground floor storefronts have been altered with intrusive materials, and the original 2/2 double hung windows have been recently replaced with inappropriate aluminum casement windows. A variety of commercial signs hang from the building and appear in the windows. 210 Market Street is one of the few remaining cast iron buildings in Newark. Its scale, form and articulation are typical of the brief historical period of cast iron construction."
Description from:
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service. (2000). National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Four Comers Historic District, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey (NPS Form 10-900).
Description from:
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service. (2000). National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Four Comers Historic District, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey (NPS Form 10-900).
c. 1880
“210 Market Street,” DANA, accessed March 28, 2025, https://dana-legacy.njit.edu/items/show/692.
Item Relations
This Item | Is Part Of | Item: Four Corners Historic District |
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