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  • Tags: streets

One Gateway Center proposed rendering 1971.jpg
Architectural rendering of proposed (and built) One Gateway Center, a 26-story building directly across the street from Penn Station.

Newark- the land and the vision, 1666-1989 Poster.jpg
An exhibition at the Newark Public Library, October 16-December 31, 1989. Poster Design : George Gill. Adapted from original art by A. E. Foringer, 1916.

Mulberry Street Re-Opening 2005.jpg
Joined by NJ Transit, county, and city dignitaries, Newark Mayor Sharpe James (in the hardhat) cuts the ribbon to ceremonially re-open Mulberry Street on January 4, 2005. After 18 months of construction beneath the closed street, the first rail…

Imprinted Decorative Crosswalk program 2003.jpg
A close-up of a crew working on a new crosswalk for the City of Newark's Imprinted Decorative Crosswalk Program. The new crosswalks will enhance the beauty of Newark's streets while adding to their safety for pedestrians and motorists alike.

Broad & Clinton 1916_2016.jpg
Newark in 1916 versus Newark in 2016. New Image copyright Myles Zhang 2016, older image from Newark Public Library.

Broad-Market Newsstand Demolition 2006.jpg
A grappler attacks the roof of the shuttered newsstand/bus stop at the northeast corner of Broad and Market Streets on June 26, 2006. The destruction of the newsstand was the opening move in the city's project to reconstruct Market Street and the…

Map of Military Park historic district boundaries 2004.jpg
Historic aerial map of Military Park historic district boundaries. Created by the NJ State Historic Preservation Office. Park of the CFCNJIC map collection, published by the Newark Public Library.

Ironbound Voices_Nov1990.jpg
Title page of the free Tri-Lingual Ironbound Voices, vol 13, No 7. November 1990

Market Street east from Broad Street-01.png
A view looking east toward Broad Street, traffic clogs Market Street with two trolleys passing each other. The trolley on the left no.729 Trolly is labeled Kinney, the one to the right is heading towards Pennsylvania Railroad Station. The large white…

Market Street -01.png
Taken from the direction of the Essex Country Courthouse, the streets are still cobblestoned to accommodate horses and wagons. The Trolleys are heading to South Orange, a delivery horse wagon on the right.

Market street and Millitrary Park-01.png
The street is filled with trolleys, people, and horse wagons. Stores on the left include Ludwig Bauman & Company and Donald Dignified Credit. The trolley travels towards South Orange

Broad Street- Parks Place and Military Park-01.png
Military Park bordered by Broad Street and Park Place. Automobiles are replacing carriages and wagons. The number of pedestrians and Trolly cars are arriving in Newark more frequently to visit stores. Nearly every store has an awning sheltering parts…

Broad Street-01.png
Trolleys travel along the street, a horse and wagon travel along side them. The Hahne department store is to the left, Trinity Episcopal church on the right.

The American Music Hall on Market Street-01.png
The American Music Hall at 211 Market Street. The American Music Hall opened in 1909 in a four-story building at 211 Market Street, it presented vaueville, burlesque, and motions pictures. The theater and the office building adjacent were both built…

horse-carriage on Broad Street-01.png
Engine steamer horse-drawn carriages racing down Broad Street to a fire. The L.S Plaut & Company department store are on the left, Military part on the right. Note the amount of pedestrians simply walking across the street and how few wheeled…

Public Library 1901-01.jpg
The Newark public library was founded in 1889, in a building on West Park Street. It developed from the old Newark Library Association formed in1845. It occupied library hall with the post office, the NJ Art Union, the NJ Historical Society, the NJ…

City Hall 1906-01.jpg
The Beaux Art city hall was designed by John H. And Wilson Ely and built of granite and marble. Began in 1903, completed 1906.

Newark Post Office.jpg
Exterior photo of the main Newark post office building at 2 Federal Square.

Courthouse 1837-01.jpg
In 1837, Philadelphia architect John Haviland designed this Egyptian style building to house the governments of both Essex County and the City of Newark. A decade later, the city government moved from building to building until present city hall was…

Courthouse 1907-01.jpg
Well known architect Cass Gilbert designed the 1907 Essex County Courthouse, which is still being used. The Courthouse was built behind the 1837 building, set on a hill just below high street, it rises above market street, Its main doorway is reached…

The North Newark Station of the Delaware-01.jpg
The North Newark Station of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad was on the present Broadway, then known as Washington, Avenue. It was one of seven railroad stations in Newark.

The Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railroad Station-01.jpg
The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Station on Broad street adjacent to Route 280. Many commuters take passenger train from stops in Morris and Essex Counties to Newark and walk along Broad Street to their offices and universities. The…

The Pennsylvania Railroad Station YRunkwon-01.jpg
The Pennsylvania Rail Road station was located southwest of the present Penn Station on the opposite side of Market Street. This building had a roof that sheltered passengers from weather while waiting for trolleys and carriages. The tracks were…
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