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2017-09-01_NJIT Facilities  Master Plan Update (1).pdf
2018 Facilities Master Plan Update for the New Jersey Institute of Technology

"210 Market Street is a four story, three bay, rectangular plan, classicizing, cast iron, commercial building, constructed c. 1880. The cast iron facade is articulated by vertical, rusticated corner piers, twisted and attenuated colonnettes with…

Three-story brick Renaissance-Revival style rowhouse. Part of the James Street Commons Historic District.

3-story brick townhouse, and had been single family residence, a fraternity house, and may have been a boarding house in its early years.

3-story brick townhouse, and had been single family residence, a fraternity house, and may have been a boarding house in its early years.

3-story brick townhouse, and had been single family residence, a fraternity house, and may have been a boarding house in its early years.

3-story brick townhouse, and had been a fraternity house, and may have been a boarding house in its early years.

"60 Branford Place is a two story, eight bay, granite clad, classicizing, corner commercial building. Constructed c. 1920, the ground floor is made up of individual storefronts with offices above. Classicizing details include: a continuous sill belt…

75-73-71-69 W. Market in 1961.jpg
75-73-71-69 W. Market. Joe's, market, grocery store, American bakery, Jewel's, cleaners.

"787 Broad Street is a two story, five bay, masonry, corner commercial building, attached on the north and west to the 'Lshaped,' F.W. Woolworth building. The basically rectangular plan of this Romanesque Revival-influenced building is canted at the…

2-family house or possibly a boarding house, with a kitchen and bath on both floors.

2-story brick house, possibly a multi-family dwelling.

"89-91 Market Street is a nine story, two bay, rectangular plan, classicizing, commercial building, constructed in 1913. The seven story body of the building is articulated by brick piers that both divide the building into bays and visually support…

"9-13 Hill Street is an eight story, five bay, rectangular plan, commercial building faced in glazed terra cotta. The first two stories are completely ornamented with elaborate foliate relief terra cotta ornamentation, interrupted only by windows and…

On WPA projects in New Jersey. Shows the Newark airport, the city hall in Jersey City, and a recreation center at Perth Amboy built by the WPA. Shows construction on a reservoir at Atlantic City. Girls attend domestic science classes. Rock is…

This book summarizes a history of the city of Newark, New Jersey, embracing practically two and a half centuries, 1666-1913.

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Broad Street was laid out in 1666. At times the street has been referred to as Main Central and High Street as well as Broadway. But by 1790, it had come to be known by its present name. Originally it extended from Clay Street on the north to…
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